Monday, April 29, 2013



虽然人人都说好奇杀死猫(华语),curiosity kills a cat(英文),好奇杀死猫(客家话),好奇杀死猫(粤语)等等,现在你们知道我有超强的语言能力了吧!













Sunday, April 28, 2013







当晚我所看到的演讲人包括Stampin候选人陈国宾、Sri Aman的Leon、诗巫的叶海量以及Kuching候选人张健仁。各个演讲人的素质都很好,三语皆可,幽默的来又不会太过离题。

3)如果可以播放Global Witness所拍到白毛亲戚如何侮辱土地拥有者、如何将人民的土地转变成自己的财富。当晚演讲者只是说说带过,许多身后的安娣都“哇”,可想她们和老一辈的也许没什么机会看到这个影片。






Sunday, April 21, 2013






505, 换政府  先要返厝,去投票,再换政府。我想那一晚全国人民一定是很紧张,很刺激的。在想变天后,民联的中央政府能够肃立榜样同样也拨款给非民联所赢得的席位,那么改次国阵的人再也不能以“输了就没有发展”来吓人民了。


519,落发日。不是出家,只是为癌症孩子出一份力。这将是第二次也是最后一次落发,往后只会以捐钱方式来支持他们。如果你也想出一份力,请谷歌Go Bald吧!

616,跑步日。只是十公里,应该没问题。最近已经开始更上一层楼的魔鬼训练,以进入状态。Run 4 Fun。








Saturday, April 13, 2013









Tuesday, April 9, 2013



My mother told me tonight, that my father wanted me to share this in Facebook.
I was inactive in Facebook for such a long, long, long dinosaur time, only login due to certain request.
This is a request that I cannot turn down.

My father's name is John Su. And this is his story.


                                                         "THE GOODNESS OF OUR LORD JESUS"

                                                                     JOHN SU SUNG YIENG

I was born in Sibu in 1953 to a big family of three brothers and three sisters and attended a missionary school for my early education. As a boy, I was playful, active and rebellious.

Being a very active basketball player, I participated in a lot of competitions during my younger days. Through the competitions, I was selected to represent the state of Sarawak at the age of 19.  I felt great because I was doing something I loved, which was playing basketball. However, my lifestyle eventually changed and I began to forget about our Lord Jesus. I no longer attended Sunday masses and completely forgot about Him. My life was pretty good and I was at the prime of my youth, doing what I loved with total freedom.  Needless to say, I was turning into a very rebellious young man.

I moved to Kuching from Sibu in 1971 and joined the police force as a Border Scout. Back then, the Communists were very active, so in 1973, I resigned from the police force and joined  a semi-government department. It was a new life and experience for me in Kuching and life was full of promises and possibilities but in 1974, that was 39 years ago, a tragedy struck.

One fateful afternoon, I was viciously attacked by a group of gangsters.  Slashed, I lost my right hand and was badly disfigured on my face, nose and mouth. Worse still, I was left bleeding and dying by the roadside and no one dared to come to my aid. It was only when a truck carrying some army personnel passed by that I was rescued and sent to the SGH.  Looking back, our Lord Jesus has been so good to me for He has kept me from the grave and blessed me with love and mercy by sending a truck of angels to my rescue. Praise the Lord! Thank you, Lord!  Praise His Holy Name!

Due to the incident, I was hospitalized for a year at the KL General Hospital to undergo corrective procedures on my face. During that period of time too, I started to think of God.  I admitted that the incident had left me tamed and humbled. I tried to attend Sunday Masses again and to return to the Lord.

After I was discharged from the KL General Hospital, I returned to my post in Kuching.  However, my relationship with the Lord was no better and I slowly lost interest in Him. In due course, I forgot about Him and attended mass only once in a blue moon.

Reflecting on this period of my life, I have come to realize that our Lord Jesus actually loves me so much! The Lord is so good and kind to me because He has still left me with a mouth to eat and one left hand to do things including driving.  Come to think of it, I could have lost more or even my life!  The ungrateful me, very sadly, never thanked Him and had never appreciated what He has done for me back then. Yes, I attended church once in a while but my relationship with the Lord was not close at all and I never took the initiative to know Him more. Worse, after the tragic incident, I always thought about taking revenge and started mixing around with gangsters. I was so consumed with hatred and an unwillingness to forgive and forget that I had no peace of mind.

Once more, our Lord Jesus never gave up on me and He showered me with an abundance of love and graces. As a young man with physical impairment, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be able to get married, settled down and have a family of my very own. Who would want to spend the rest of her life with a person like me? But our Lord Jesus had better plans for me. I met a wonderful lady, who has not only accepted and loved me as I am, but was also willing to marry me, despite my condition.  Today, she is still my super and caring good wife, Cecilia Chai.
“He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” (Proverbs: 18:22)

I was a happy man but my relationship with our Lord Jesus was still the same. It wasn’t a deeper relationship and neither was it worse. Again, the Lord never forgot me for He did not stop there with me being married to my wife.  He continued to shower me with His blessings and this time, He has blessed my wife and I with a beautiful and healthy daughter, giving us a complete family to love and cherish! I started attending mass every week with my family. We even participated in rosary group prayers and these went on for a number of years as our daughter was growing up.

Still, at that point in time, I wasn’t earning much and sometimes we did not have enough money and I had to resort to borrowing money to feed my family and myself. There were times when we just had a bowl of kolok mee for dinner. Life was hard for a number of years but again, the Lord has never abandoned me!

I was introduced to a better prospect and my financial standing gradually improved. We were able to have enough food to eat, good clothes to wear, extra money to renovate our house, extra money to travel and drive good cars. Eventually, we moved to a bigger and better house. I was at the peak of my life, living a good life and ultimately, I forgot the Lord, again. I slowly began to slack where going to church was concerned, sometimes giving the excuses of being too busy and not being able to attend because of one reason or another.  In time, after that, I forgot about the Lord completely and was living and enjoying my own good life. I was more engrossed in the material things of the world and had forgotten to gather the riches in Our Lord, the Father’s Kingdom.

During the year 2009, I wasn’t feeling well, and was slowly losing my appetite. My body weight began to drop. I did countless blood tests but every time, nothing suspicious was detected. This went on for a number of months. It was only when I had my colonoscopy that I was diagnosed with colon cancer.  I had the first operation done to remove part of my colon. Then, I remembered our Lord, our God, and asked my wife and daughter to pray hard for me. I cried out to Our Lord JESUS,  for help, and asked Him to  heal me.

After my operation, I had my chemotherapy (8 cycles) done in Singapore, while the radiotherapy was conducted in Kuching.  Our Lord Jesus has loved me so much that I suffered no harsh side effects of the chemotherapy: no vomiting and no nauseas and I even had a good appetite. Everything was just normal. I walked, drove and was feeling pretty confident that I would get well. I started attending masses every weekend, but still I felt I wasn't changed completely from the inside. I was still living a sinful life and was in particular, a very hot-tempered person.

In 2010, during a follow- up examination, the doctor found traces of cancer cells in my body and I was required to have another round of chemotherapy, using new drugs this time (6 cycles).  Initially, I was very disappointed and started to lose hope.  But then, I remembered Our Lord and turned to Him for help again.

In 2011, while undergoing another round of check-up, I was  informed that cancer cells were detected to be  still in my body.  To make matters worse, they have spread to my bladder and the muscles of the wall of my abdomen. All doctors recommended a surgery to remove all the bad cells but I was afraid.  It took me one month to finally make up my mind to have the operation. A day before my admission, my family and I went to more than three churches in KL to seek God's blessings and protection. It was a major operation lasting more than 6 hrs. I had my bladder and all the muscles of my abdomen  wall removed. The operation was successful and with that I felt more relaxed and I started to pray to our Lord Jesus for help and to thank Him.  Fortunately, new drugs were available and I started another round of chemotherapy again.

After a few months (in 2012), as I was recovering from my operation and undergoing chemotherapy, it was discovered that the cancer cells were spreading again.  I have undergone 7 cycles of chemotherapy for the new drugs and as the treatment wasn't working, it had to be stopped immediately.  Apparently, the more chemotherapy I have, the faster the cancer cells are spreading.  This time, they had spread to my lungs, liver and rectum. I have tried a lot of alternative treatments, alternative drugs and different types of chemotherapy medicines, but none of them have worked.  I cried a lot with my wife and I prayed to Our Lord Jesus, asking Him to heal me.

In 2012, I was hospitalized a lot of times, and was in and out of the hospital. I even suffered heavy bloating in my stomach and was sent back to the operation theatre in Singapore where, mercifully, the condition was corrected.  Back in Kuching, I had chemotherapy again with a different new drug (12 cycles) but only managed to undergo up to the seventh cycle as the new drugs were ineffective. Until today, I have not been on chemotherapy.  In fact, it has been nearly six months that I am without any drugs or chemotherapy whatsoever. Praise  the Lord JESUS for He is good and always at my side, healing and loving me. Thank you, LORD JESUS!  I love you!

This year, 2013, I was admitted  to the SGH from 13.2.2013 till 26.2.2013 (our fourth day of the Chinese New Year and was discharged after Chap Goh May). During my follow-up examination last month, I was admitted again before Good Friday but discharged on 3.4.2013. It was during Easter that I had a dream of JESUS talking to me.  

He said, "John, I have taken your right hand away from you thirty nine years ago, but I have still given you a mouth to eat, and one hand to do your daily work, including driving but you have never shared the glory of GOD with others."  I woke up, shocked and sobbed  badly.  I quickly thanked and praised Him as well as asked for His forgiveness for my sins and my negligence.

Here, I have my true life sharing, " The Goodness of Lord Jesus Christ", with every one. Currently, I have no appetite, am feeling weak and cannot walk, drive or carry out my daily routines and am bedridden. Nevertheless, I trust in our Lord Jesus and His works of signs, miracles and wonders.  Praise the Lord!

I have completely surrendered myself and my life to our Lord Jesus and am depending on him fully for help and for His healing. Trusting in Him and, in Him, there is always HOPE.  I believe our Lord Jesus will definitely take care of me and heal me without fail, every moment of the day if it is His Will for me to recover and be entirely healed.  These 4 years of sufferings and hardships have totally changed me, inside and on the outside.  I have started to take steps to know more about Him, our Lord Jesus.  I have attended mass every weekend without fail and participated in the DMD prayer every day whenever possible (until these few months as I have been too weak to do so) and joined the Emmaus prayer meetings, which I tried to attend again, whenever possible (but have to stop attending lately as I have been too weak to do so).

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for sending people to pray over me and with me and my family, especially the sisters and brothers in Christ from the Emmaus Servant Community of BSC and the DMD Apostolate of  St. Peter 's Church, Padungan.  Thank you to all who have helped me along the way.  Bless them, Lord, and their families, seal them with Your Most Precious Blood, and protect them from all evil, danger and harm.  Thank you, Lord JESUS.

Regardless of what my future will be, healed (and praise your Holy Name, Lord!) or to go Home to be with You, Lord, in Your Eternal Kingdom,  I will praise You,  thank You and love You, Lord Jesus, because I know You will take care of me. Use me, nevertheless,  dear Lord, to do Your Will and according to Your Will. I am willing to serve you and to share my life experiences with others about how You have been there for me, every single moment without fail. Everything is under Your Control and You know what is best for me.  Thank You, Lord Jesus!

“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to bring about the future you hope for.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Lord Jesus, I trust in You.  Lord Jesus, I trust in You. Lord Jesus, I trust in You.  Amen.


Thank you for reading and may God bless you all.

The daughter,
Diana Su















