Sunday, March 7, 2010

54 Boys Meet World

曾几何时陪我度过无数日子的一部搞笑连续剧,Boys Meet World。我不知道华语译名是什么,但是如果硬硬要直翻的话就是《小子看世界》。我翻得还蛮不错吧?一直觉得我的英文程度都不是小学三年级的了,难道不是吗?



The first of seven seasons begins with Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter as two Philadelphia students who would rather be anywhere but school. During the second season, when Cory and Shawn start high school, they meet Mr. Jonathan Turner, an unconventional English teacher, who just loves to play around with their minds. Shawn becomes cool and popular at school, but still keeps his friendship with the less popular Cory. Shawn’s mother, Virna, deserts Shawn and his father, Chet, which upsets Shawn greatly. Chet then leaves to find Virna, and Shawn moves in with Mr. Turner. During the third season, Cory begins dating Topanga Lawrence, a girl who, in the first season, was mocked by Cory and Shawn.


我还记得的是那时候我家里很有钱,有在装Astro,所以可以每个星期一至五的晚上九点(还是九点半)在迪士尼频道收看。还记得的就是剧组也把摔角选手Big Van Vader也找来客串一集,饰演郭富城头的男主角的父亲。有一幕我记得很清楚,那就是当爸爸大声骂郭富城头的时候,学校老师责备为人父亲不应该如此暴力对待自己的儿子。那儿子却说“He is not shouting.”。听得懂吗?



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