还在考虑。。。。。。。。Sunway wor。。。。。。为什么不是Bukit Jalil?
No one should have the suffer, especially our children
There is a kid who has very bad temper. Like to cause problems around. His mom was very worry about his behaviour.
Thing becomes worse when he had a fight with his neighbour and killed him. He carried the body all the way to outside the village. Thrown it into a well. He was very scared so he came back the second day, took a look into the well, and what suprise him was that the body was missing. Great.
Then he had a fight with colleague and killed the person. Again, he thrown the body into the well. And the body just disappeared just like that. He felt great again!
This time he quarreled with his own brother, guess what? He killed his brother. He brought the body to the well and thrown it inside. The second day come, the body gone. He thought that God was with him all the while.
Lastly, he killed his mother. He thrown her to the well as usual. The second day, when he took a look into the well, he shocked, his mother still inside the well. It was the samething for the third, forth and fifth day, his mother was there inside the well.
Why? Because the one who always helped him clear the scene had been killed by himself!